Throughout the years, Google has invested in Google Maps to make it better and more detailed. Google Maps has been rather low-key about its accomplishments. However, we know that the recent version carries a wide array of features and hidden functions. In this article, we will walk you through some of the most useful and unique features of the Google maps app. In addition, we will also provide a step by step guide on how you can use each feature.  

What is Google Maps?

Google Maps app is a navigation, mapping and lifestyle application. The original app was the result of a series of acquisitions by Google Maps. It was launched in 2005 with the basic feature of a digital world map. Google Maps has the largest repository of detailed maps in the world. It also offers a variety of map views depending on what you need or wants to see. Being the product of a technology leader has set Google Maps to a platform of high expectations. Thus far it has not failed to deliver and has even set the bar of excellence for its competitors. Google Maps collects data from three sources. One is through purchasing information from national mapping agencies. Next is free data from crowdsourced or public domain information. Google Maps users also contribute to the repository of GPS data through the in-app Map Maker. User data is collected from millions of people when they use the GPS navigation feature. Google Maps has an API feature that allows for its maps to be linked to third-party websites. It also marks major locations for almost every country around the world. Nearly every historical, commercial and government location has been reflected onto its maps. Nonetheless, Google has not stopped searching for ways to improve its maps. Over time, the application kept developing novel features. It even added overlays to its maps. There is little doubt to many users that Google Maps is one of the best in the navigation app front. The main reason is, of course, its full set of unique features and excellent navigation capabilities.  

What are the notable features of Google Maps?

Google Maps app has a long list of features that surpass its classification as a mere navigation app. One notable feature is a GPS navigation that involves hands-free, turn-by-turn voice navigation. It also provides real-time updates on traffic conditions. These are marked on the maps in color-coded lines representing how heavy or light the traffic is. Google maps also offers different modes depending on transportation type. These include planning for traveling by car, bicycle, and air. Other notable and unique features include Google Street View and personalized maps. The app’s integration with Google Assistant is another notable feature. The Google Assistant uses AI technology. The AI assistant can take verbal commands from the user. It can search the internet, activate controls on the device, and even order items online. Luckily for Google Maps, this AI technology is not present in any other navigation app. The feature was also made available for motorcycle and driving modes. For more information, you can refer to this article about the best and most useful hidden features of Google Maps.  

Google Maps App Hacks You Didn’t Know Existed

The Google Maps app has been in existence for more than a decade now. Fortunately for current users, the app has seen a lot of improvement since then. The Google Maps you see now might even confuse you as to what type of app it really is. And the current version is always enough to keep you occupied and informed. For this purpose, we would like to share with you a list of the lesser-known, but useful features of Google Maps. We’ll also tell you how to work your way around them.  

Exploring the Solar System in Google Maps

Google Maps is a great reference for exploring nearly any location on Earth. But you probably didn’t know that it can also be used to get a glimpse of other worlds. Yes, you read that right. Google Maps has recently extended its mapping scope. The newest addition are to include celestial bodies outside Earth. It recently acquired a new collection of maps and photos from the International Space station. It also includes photos taken of other planets and celestial bodies. All photos from the International Space station were taken by the astronauts themselves. Google also acquired photos of celestial bodies taken by NASA and ESA space crafts. Among the list of planets and moons are familiar names Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Meanwhile, there are also unheard-of celestial bodies like Ganymede, Callisto, and Mimas. These are the moons of our neighboring planets. Here’s how to view Space on Google Maps:  

Dragging Pegman to open Google Street View

Pegman is a yellow human figure used to represent the Street View feature. The icon might look like an animated Oscar figurine, but it’s a very useful tool. The Street View lets you access the panoramic images of hundreds or even thousands of streets all over the world. Google is even inviting civilians, businessmen, and map enthusiasts to serve as contributors to Google Street Views. Explore Street View with these steps:  

Time Portal with Street View

The time portal feature under Google Street View allows you to see older photos of the same location. These 360-degree panoramic photos were taken by Google over the course of ten years. In any case, the photos are available on the app and you could get a glimpse of what has changed. Unfortunately, this feature is only available for select areas with Street View. Here’s how to access the time portal feature on Street View:  

Street View Keyboard Shortcuts

The Street View lets you have a panoramic, high-definition view of major streets. A mouse is usually used to navigate this feature. However, there are keyboard shortcuts to make this easier. If you have to follow a certain street or area on the maps for some time, it might be worth taking note of these shortcuts:

A button OR left arrow key: rotates 45 degrees in a counter-clockwise direction D button OR right arrow key: rotates 45 degrees in a clockwise direction W button OR page-up key: looks up towards the sky S button OR page down key: looks down towards the road The plus key (+): zooms in for a close-up view of any part of the street.

The page-up and page-down keys can also be used to move forwards and backward on any street. Just make sure that the zoom level is set to zero to make this work. Otherwise, the page-up and page-down keys will make you look up to the sky or down at the ground.  

Hailing an Uber with Google Maps

Uber is a ride-sharing app integrated into Google Maps. What this means is that you can book a ride with Uber right through Google Maps. Here’s how to book a ride with Uber using Google Maps:  

 Finding the Nearest Amenities

Nowadays most people have multiple errands and appointments in one day. Regardless of where you are, all you need is Google Maps and an active internet connection to get by. If you are a busy, adventurous sort of person, you might like the Explorer feature of Google Maps. It allows you to search for commercial establishments nearby. The establishments are grouped into categories. This is to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. Here’s how to access this feature:  

Measuring Distances on the Map

If you’re curious how far New York is to Washington D.C., you don’t need to use search bar to find out the answer. The Google Maps app has a ruler feature that lets you measure the distance between two or more points on any map. Here are the steps to use this feature:  

Voice Navigation in Google Maps

Driving and navigating with your phone are two actions that don’t go together. Safety measures usually require you to choose one or the other. But with the voice navigation function, you can do both. The voice navigation feature allows for hands-free turn-by-turn navigation. Unfortunately, you’ll need to ensure an active internet connection for this to work. Here’s how to activate voice navigation on Google Maps: Note: The default options are already functional. But you can customize the volume, voice selection, and other settings. These are all under the Sound and Voice menu.  

Avoiding Tolls and Highways

Part of the GPS capabilities of Google Maps is the ability to warn you about traffic, tolls and highways. By showing you exactly what you want to avoid, you can avoid them. This gives you the ability to choose the route you want and also saves you time, energy and money. Avoid inconveniences along the road with the following steps:  

Customizing Dietary Preferences

Everyone has food preferences. Unfortunately, the default restaurant notifications on Google Maps doesn’t show your favorite places. If you are looking for something specific to eat, Google Maps can help narrow down your options. You can configure it to limit notifications to the places that fit your food preferences. You could also exclude places that serve dishes that violate your dietary restrictions. Help Google understand your food preferences with the following steps:  

Traffic Notifications While Navigating

Everyone knows that Google maps allows you to see real-time traffic conditions. Traffic data are color-coded to make it easy for you to understand the situation up ahead. Red is for heavy traffic. Orange is for mild to moderate traffic. And Green is for no traffic. Enable these color-coded warnings with the following steps:  

Using Google Maps Offline

The majority of Google Maps features require a solid internet connection to work. Unfortunately, this may not always be possible.  Consequently, Google Maps offers a workaround. The offline maps feature lets you to save some of its maps for when you don’t have an internet connection. It’s great when you’re going on an off-road trip in case you get lost. By default, offline maps are only available for fifteen days following your download.  You can keep them offline for an indefinite period. However, you’ll need to activate the automatic updates in order to do this. In addition, the Google Maps cache has a storage limit. This means you can only download a certain number of maps before the cache capacity maxes out. Nonetheless, you can still make use of offline maps. Here’s how to download for offline use:  

Download a Driving Route for Offline Use

Saving routes and driving directions are also available offline. However, this only includes the basic route. Real-time traffic information, alternate routes, or lane guidance will not be included. In the absence of an internet connection, your offline maps will be the basis for navigation. In any case, here is how to download a route for offline use:  

Set Departure and Arrival Time

Google Maps has added a scheduling function with the Depart At feature. Actually, there are two options within that feature. Depart At will calculate your approximate ETA. Arrive By will calculate the approximate time you should leave. The software takes into consideration real-time traffic conditions for certain hours. This way, you can easily change the optimal time when you have to leave. In addition, you can easily adjust your schedule to make sure that you won’t be late for your appointment. Always be on time with these steps:  

Google Maps has recently updated its navigation feature with something called Google AR. Augmented Reality is a new form of technology that superimposes digital images on a user’s view of the real world. In this case, digital images can appear on a live screen of a camera. The software can identify a user’s location through the live stream footage of the road or path ahead. In addition, the AR technology can provide visual and verbal directions. These directions can appear through the camera app of any phone or tablet. Here are the steps to access Google Maps AR: Note that the Google Maps AR mode is only available for walking mode. Thus, it is highly suggested to pick a relatively close destination/walking distance. The feature is also limited to areas with recently published Google Street Views. It will also not work under low-light conditions, so it’s best used during the day. Check out these articles for more information on Google AR maps technology and other applications of AR technology.  

Adding Multiple Stops on Google Maps Navigation

On any given day, the average person probably has more than one location to go to. Going to work, buying groceries, playing sports all require different locations and schedules. With Google Maps, you can mark all the places you need to be at by adding stops to your map. You could also use the GPS navigation and voice direction for multiple locations. This will make sure that you don’t get lost, and more importantly, you don’t miss a stop. This feature is available for driving, transit, walking, and cycling modes. Add stops to your route with the following steps:  

Final thoughts on Google Maps Hacks

Google Maps is readily available for most tablets and phones, and it’s completely free! We can’t even understand how Google managed to compile this many features. Nonetheless, we are extremely grateful that they did so. Should you be interested in exploring other Google products, we highly recommend Google Mail and Google Drive. Just a word of warning. The app, as wonderful as it is, cannot account for the lack of vigilance and awareness about user safety. All users are advised to exercise precaution in using any application. It’s also advisable to observe cyber-security practices. Take measures to keep your location and travel information safe. You can use an antivirus software for added protection. Also keep in mind that the main purpose of the app is for information purposes only. Therefore, it must only be used for legitimate purposes. With these Google Maps app hacks, we hope that we have been able to show you just what Google Maps can do. With the right information, you’ll be able to maximize the app for both navigation and leisure.


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